If you have been a church member for some time, somewhere along the way you have heard someone grumbling about badly behaving preachers’ kids. It was recently discovered why preachers’ kids behave as they do.
It’s from hanging around the deacons’ kids. 
Seriously, lately an alarming trend has become prevalent across “Christendom.” Some church leaders are now repeating the idea they have heard from influential authors and speakers; “doctrine” is not important. They tell us that the most important thing is “relationships.” Some of these leaders are peddling the idea that the foundational truths of Christianity and the Church which have been established and defended for centuries are no longer relevant or needed. They are calling upon Christians to dump the old ways and beliefs and embrace the new way of believing which is defined as “purposeful, emerging, and contemplative.” These proponents would have us believe that nothing anymore is absolute, and any belief or religion, leader, or thought is as good as the next one.
These new notions are not new, they are old philosophies repackaged in new word wrappings. But they are devilish and deceiving. God is sovereign; He has His will and ways and we should seek these and obey. Jesus is the only Savior and the only way to heaven. The Bible is the Word of God and is totally sufficient for every area of our lives. Heaven and hell are literal places and every individual will stand before Jesus Christ to answer to Him as Judge.
We would like to recommend to you the course: Dispensational Theology, # 10500. These five lessons are taught by Dr. Renald Showers. He explains how God has worked in different eras of time and how to understand His ways and purposes, past and present. This study will bring together many of the fragmented facts and happenings of the Bible you have heard and learned in the past, and show you how they fit together into a beautifully woven masterpiece. You will then be more capable of discerning the unchanging eternal doctrines of Scripture.
P.S. We would like to hear from you how God is using your studies at BBNBI to help you in your walk with God and your service for Him. We will be looking for your email. (