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He really did not know if he could go on or not. Life had gotten so confusing that he was about to "throw in the towel" so to speak and just give up. He prayed to God and told Him just what was on his heart, and when it seemed he could not have been more discouraged, a Bible truth came to his mind. Isaiah says that when the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord will raise up a standard against him. (See Isaiah 59:19). And, just after that verse came to his mind, he remembered another text of Scripture, and this is the picture of the woman giving birth to the Man-child in Revelation chapter 12, and of course that Man-child is none other than our Lord Jesus Christ! But that same "enemy" that Isaiah mentioned shows up in this text in Revelation and attempts to destroy both the woman, representing Israel and the Child, Jesus, by sending a flood that the earth swallows up and helps the woman and her Child to escape certain death! All these things were brought to this man's mind at just the right time that he needed it, and God used that to help him; little by little he began to regain the encouragement he needed to keep on going in his life with the Lord. 

Isn't it amazing how God's Word has the power to help when nothing else can or will help, especially in real-life situations? God gave His Word to us for just such a purpose, not just to give us knowledge that puffs us up so we can say we know more than others, but to build our faith so we can go on and then help and serve others. The BBN Bible Institute is offered for just such a purpose. Who knows but that any one of us could be facing a situation like the aforementioned man and need the answers that he was given by God. He had studied God's Word and had at least a portion of it in his heart so that the Holy Spirit could use it to defeat the enemy and help this man at the same time. Our God is no respecter of persons, and will do the same for any who trust Him to do so. So, come study with us (without cost to you) and tell a friend, who knows but that you may be giving someone a lifeline to find grace to help in their own time of need? God will bless you for it.

Written By:   David Wyatt    Date Posted:  9/8/2010 3:46 PM
Number of Views:  7093

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