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Memories are photos stored in the albums of our minds.  All of us have mental photos that proudly hang on the walls of our memories  My favorite photo of my father, hanging in the hallway of my childhood memories, goes back to my teenage years.

My father and I went into a vacant room at our church and kneeled to pray concerning a revival service that evening.  With passionate agony my dad wept as he begged God to restore and revive the saints and save the sinners that were to attend that evening. 

I was so moved by the pathos of those moments with my father in the presence of our heavenly Father, that my sentiments have never faded.  As we finished praying and rose from our knees, my eyes saw a sight that was vividly etched into my memory. There in the seat of that scratched Samsonite, folding chair where my dad had knelt was an enormous pool of tears.  This memory of my father’s compassion for others has thrilled and moved me through the years.

Today I carry this prayer snuggly tucked in the desire of my soul. “O God, I need that same compassion.  May I hand down to my children indelible recollections of a praying father, a daddy who cared more for the souls of men than for work, personal hobbies, or game exploits.”

Will you leave for your child the legacy of a parent who loved most the things of God?  Will you leave your child with memories of a parent who treasured the words of God and who lived a Christ-like life?

BBN- BI is here to assist you in leaving your children and grand children a godly legacy.  Keep on learning, growing, and serving. 

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Written By:   Shannon Dyess    Date Posted:  10/20/2010 9:58 AM
Number of Views:  7147

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