Heaven Help My Home!
 Heaven Help My Home!
No sooner had the newly wed daughter gotten home from her honeymoon when her cell phone rang. Her mother couldn’t wait to hear how things had gone on her trip. Kristy responded: “O mother it was so good, so romantic, except for the ride back home.” Kristy began sobbing, “David started using such ugly words I had never heard him use. It was so unnerving, I don’t know if I was cut out for married life!” “What on earth did he say?” questioned her mother. “It was awful; I don’t care to repeat such words!” “Well honey, I can’t help you if you won’t tell me,” her mother prodded. Still sobbing, Kristy said, “Mother he was saying words like wash, dust, iron, and cook!”
Did you hear about the two mechanics talking in the break room over coffee? Wes was saying, “Al, I don’t know what I’m going to do. My wife just gets so historical!” “You mean, hysterical.” “No,” Wes replied, “I mean historical! She’s always bringing up the past!”
Laughter is good for the face and the soul. There can be lots of humor in marriage- especially someone else’s. The truth is, the best of marriages have their rough spots. Every marriage, like a car needs an occasional tune-up. There are many conditions and situations that can cause a marriage to sputter, jerk and rattle. We need Divine wisdom and God’s power to make the necessary adjustments.
We have a great course in BBN Bible Institute to give you some wisdom on how to make your marriage better: 20300 Love in the Home. Dr. Richard Strauss was frequently called upon to speak on marital issues as a Pastor and conference speaker. You will be helped by this study. You may have a friend and family member that can be helped by this as well. Be sure to tell them about BBNBI.org.
Written By:
Shannon Dyess
Date Posted:
1/23/2013 3:51 PM
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