Keep Calm and Carry On
 Keep Calm
and Carry On!
In 1939 England was dealing with Hitler’s aggression and what we now call World War II. The English government commissioned three propaganda posters to be printed and posted to help morale among the English citizens. One of the posters was never used though thousands of copies were made. It wasn’t until fifty years later that the poster and its story surfaced. A bookstore owner bought a shipment of used books and in the assortment one of these posters was found. He had the poster framed and hung in his bookstore. Shortly thereafter it became an item of interest and has since gained much notoriety. The poster simply read: Keep Calm and Carry On.
Why have so many been attracted to this pithy sentiment? Could it be we all find ourselves at times distracted by life’s conflicts, diversions, disappointments, not to mention the invasion of unwanted disasters? Such a simple thought reminds us to keep our focus and go on about life. But, what if what we have been doing is wrong? What if the direction we’ve been moving is a wrong one? Obviously, this motto would prove to be empty, misleading or dangerous. There are so many competing voices in our world telling us what to do, what to believe, what to tolerate. How are we to know which is right?
The word of God may be thought to be out of fad with our culture, but truth is ever relevent, eternal and transcending. Truth is ever true and error is ever wrong. God’s word is light in a dark world, purity in a world of moral sludge and an unerring compass through the quagmire of political correctness. God's nature and character never change as neither do His standards for righteousness. The basic needs of the human heart also remain unchanging. The human heart is inherently prone to selfishness, sinfulness and pride. Every human desperately needs deliverance, righteousness and redemption that only Jesus, God’s Son, can provide. All who respond to Him in humility and faith find His mercy and favor. God then desires that we daily seek His guidance and will that we may walk in harmony with Him. This is why Bible study is so essential. This is why BBN is committed to Christian radio that provides music and truths that rather than catering to passing fads, minister to the spiritual needs of believers who desire to take the upward way. You can listen to Christian radio anywhere, anytime, 24/7 at BBNradio.org. You can also study in our Online Bible Institute (BBNbi.org), and seek spiritual guidance and answers to your spiritual concerns at BBNchat.org. Maybe then you will find that you can Keep Calm and Carry On.
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Written By:
Shannon Dyess
Date Posted:
5/30/2013 1:23 PM
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