Welcome Words!
 NEVER, more welcome words...
What are the most welcome words you have ever heard? Darren paced, fretted, and watched the minutes on the wall clock drag in painful slowness. The doctor, after painful hours of delay, stepped into the waiting room and exclaimed, “It’s a girl!” Those were beautiful words. Mark looked into the liquid brown eyes of Jessica as he proposed and his heart leaped at her cherished words: “Yes I will!’ Marcos and Ellie instantly embraced one another and sobbed with relief at the relieving news – “CANCER FREE!”
As great as those words were to eager ears, there are no more welcome words than those heard by Mary Magdalene and her friend Mary in the Garden tomb that early dawn on Resurrection Sunday. As they reverently entered that cool cave, shadows flickering on the drab walls from their small lamp, the angel’s words shocked their ears and thrilled their hearts with irrepressible hope: “He is not here: for He is risen as He said!” Wow! He is the Savior that gave His life. He is God! Alive! Conqueror of sin and death!
Jesus’ world turned blind eyes and stone hearts to His life changing words and forgotten were His miracles and His undeserved compassion. They cried out in frenzied hatred, “Crucify Him!” Many verbally assaulted Him, some spit in His face, and some struck his head with fist or stick, while others affronted Him with mockery. His beloved disciples mourned and wept remotely in silence. He loved, He prayed, He died. Then to hear, “He is risen!” three days later, ah, no more welcome words have ever been heard. Spread the news, share the truth. It is as true now as then, and those words ring this day with victory and hope!
Written By:
Shannon Dyess
Date Posted:
4/15/2014 4:27 PM
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