Fearful to Tell?
 Fearful to Tell?
I’m not sure if such a study has been done, but it is almost for certain that if a survey was taken among believers concerning the number one reason they either do not share their faith or do so very little, is fear. Let’s face it, sharing Christ, though we know and love Him and are commanded by Him to share the Gospel with the lost, can be a fearful thing to do so with people we don’t know, or maybe even more so with those we do know and who know us! That being the case, what can we do about it?
For sure these brief thoughts aren’t going to solve all our fears, but if they move some of us, and hey we must admit that we all are subject to them, but even moving from a negative 10 in our willingness to a negative 9.99, that’s progress! Of course we want to be positive in our willingness, but I believe we get the point! Some quick ideas that may motivate us to share Christ are these, among many others I’m sure you’ll think of yourself! One is that we are commanded by our loving Lord as we’ve already pointed out, to share Him with those who need to know Him but don’t. By not sharing Him, we’re actually being disobedient and I know we don’t want that. Another motivation is we can actually bring joy to a lot of people when we share the Lord and a soul is saved! Not only is the new believer joyful, we ourselves experience the joy of knowing a soul has been saved, and that our Heavenly Father is pleased, which leads to the fact that the most important Person of all receives joy, God himself! Jesus himself said, “I say unto you, that likewise joy shall be in heaven over one sinner that repenteth, more than over ninety and nine just persons, which need no repentance” (Luke 15:7). In fact, He went on in that 15th chapter of Luke to give one of the most precious parables in all the Bible, the parable of the prodigal son, and we all know the joy that father that undoubtedly represents God in the parable, experienced!
Finally, the wisest thing in the world a believer can do is turn a person toward the Savior, and we have Bible proof for that statement, in Proverbs 11:30 as well as Daniel 12:3! So, though we know this is only a drop in the bucket compared to all that we could say, maybe it gets you excited about sharing the Lord again if your fire has dwindled a little! By the way, the absolutely free BBN Bible Institute, www.BBNBI.org, just happens to have a few courses that can help in this vital area of your Christian life! You will want to peruse these courses: 00400 Understanding the Gospel, 00900 The Doctrine of Salvation, and 52400 Personal Evangelism. If you find these to be a help to you, then by all means, share them with a friend, who but God knows the impact it can have on eternity!
Written By:
David Wyatt
Date Posted:
5/27/2015 4:28 PM
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