Living the Good Life…

“He lived a good life…” “She is living the good life…” What thoughts or mental image does this conjure up in your mind when you hear such phrases? Obviously not everyone will have the same ideas, but usually it refers to someone that appears to have it made in our world, living comfortably without the usual worries that come with having barely enough, or not enough to make ends meet. Of course, that is only the outward view, and then we are likely to miss what we cannot see of what is going on in such a person’s heart and life. It is not uncommon to hear of someone our world thought was living the good life that he or she ends up miserable and would say if they were being completely candid that they actually have no life at all, and sadly some end their empty lives as they see no hope. When we think of the good life concepts such as having great experiences that thrill us, or having a lot of friends to have good times with, or doing great things and having a lot of people congratulate us may come to mind, and there is nothing inherently wrong with these concepts. However, one factor that is common to them all, is that when these great experiences are over, that’s it, they are gone, though the memory may go on, yet the reality is not enough to sustain a genuinely good life. There is a book of Scripture dedicated to this very venture of finding the good life and its human author, King Solomon, literally had it all. This great king tried from every angle imaginable to have the good life, but in the end, he had to admit that he was exhausted with the attempt and that he came up empty. That Bible book is the book of Ecclesiastes, and Solomon teaches us some invaluable lessons in it!
Just a couple examples, are such things as the fact that the amount of years one lives is purely inconsequential to what the full life is, and one reason that even successes and long life are not the full life is that they are constantly threatened by death. These truths are simple, yet tremendously important to know, so that one can look elsewhere for the fulfillment that the human heart craves. To keep this article from going on too long, and keeping you from actually finding and living the good life, we’ll boil it all down for you, as God Himself does through King Solomon, and as Dr.Tom Taylor shares in the BBN Bible Institute course, Concepts of the Good Life. The good life is simply knowing God and enjoying His Will! We believe you’ll find many blessings as you study this course in the BBN Bible Institute (# 21900). Once you do find this course to be enlightening, please don’t keep it to yourself, share it with a friend!
Written By:
David Wyatt
Date Posted:
8/13/2015 2:25 PM
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