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“The Greatest Expression of Faith?”

“The Greatest Expression of Faith?”

For a true believer in Jesus Christ, what would be his greatest expression of faith? Before you answer that, think with me for a moment about this in light of the amazing and fearful events we are seeing on the world scene today. One literally doesn’t know if we will make it back home once he leaves in the morning, seeing that hundreds if not thousands of lives at a time are snuffed out through terrorism, or natural tragedies or even accidents. Since lacking peace of soul, will eventually show up in our physical bodies, we are also seeing many die from diseases that we once thought were conquered, or new ones we’ve never seen before. Jesus’ words concerning men’s hearts failing them for fear  is certainly being seen even today. With this in mind, now back to our original question: For a true believer in Jesus Christ, what would be his greatest expression of faith? The answer I believe would be prayer since this is the giving of ourselves into the Hands of an Unseen Other that we expect to guide and care for us. In fact, prayer must begin with God, or we’ll end up more depressed than ever! The Scriptures never teach us to pray in order to avoid trouble, since troubles and trials are normal in every life (even Christians). God can and does use our troubles to strengthen us and to cause us to depend on Him even more, and this is always a good thing! So, a great value in prayer is that it draws us into closer fellowship with God, and it actually seeks that which pleases God rather than self, which also is a good thing!

There is so much good that comes from true prayer that we could never cover it all. Our Savior Himself came not to live in dependence upon Himself, but in dependence on the Father, just like us! And, of course He mainly did this through prayer! Would you like to know what other values there are in prayer? A great way to do this is to go to BBN Bible Institute at and study course 20500 The Value of  Prayer. We believe you’ll be glad you did, and if so, please tell a friend! (We have 117 courses available to you at no cost.)

Written By:   David Wyatt    Date Posted:  11/20/2015 3:51 PM
Number of Views:  4705

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