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Top Ten Verse List

Top Ten

Recently, a list of the top ten verses was posted. Perhaps these verses would make good devotional reading for you in the next 10 days and provide for thoughtful discussion around a meal with friend or family.

1) John 3:16                   2) I Peter 5:7

3) John 14:6                  4) I Corinthians 10:13

5) Romans 8:28             6) Ephesians 2:8-9

7) Romans 10:9,10        8) Hebrews 13:5-6

9) Jeremiah 33:3           10) I Corinthians 10:31

What verse do you think should be on such a list? Why?

This is the perfect time to plan for your Bible reading in 2016. Set aside a specific time that will work for your schedule. You can request a Bible Reading Schedule from BBN (for you or family & friend). Now is the perfect time to begin a study in our online Bible Institute, 117 courses available and at no cost to you, God speaks to those that care to hear what He has to say. Are you one of those who cares?

Written By:   Shannon Dyess    Date Posted:  12/29/2015 11:16 AM
Number of Views:  5103

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