A Giant Snake
 A Giant Snake Stretched Completely Across the Road...
Marge Elam, missionary mom, wrestled with her fears one night in the darkness of her jungle home. She could hear alligators calling out to one another in the night, birds, frogs and other creatures adding to the cacophony as she checked on her eight year old daughter sleeping nearby in her hammock. In her prayers Marge was telling God how dangerous it was for her daughter to daily ride her bike two miles to school. At that moment she was gripped with a memory of several days prior. Her eight year old had come home in anxious excitement telling how a giant snake stretched completely across the road on which she was riding her bike and she didn’t know what to do. Sweetly and matter of factly she relayed,, “I just pulled up my legs and rode my bike over it.” Marge tried to reign in her fears, but for some moments all she could hear was her heart thunderously palpitating. Lovingly and powerfully, God assured her: “I was able to take care of your daughter in the United States, and I am able to take care of her here as well.” That same assurance gave her peace for many years afterward that not only was God able to take care of her young daughter, but of everything else as well. The same God that attends the prayers of a missionary mother in a remote jungle village is the same God that sees and cares about your needs and anxieties. In His unfailing Word, he says “Cast all your cares upon me because I care for you.” Whatever you are fearing, regretting, or suffering today, He invites you to bring Him your burdens. He has the answers you do not know, the wisdom you do not possess, the patience, love, and forgiveness that you need. He says, “Call unto me and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things which you know not. I am your refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.” If you need someone to pray with you, someone to give you Biblical guidance or hope in a hard situation, you can go online to BBNchat.org. Someone will confidentially converse with you on our chat line. Maybe you have a friend or loved one needing some direction, someone to listen, someone to reassure them of God’s love and hope and to share with them God’s unchanging truths, tell them about BBNchat.org.
Written By:
Shannon Dyess
Date Posted:
6/17/2016 9:59 AM
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