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The Greatest Gift

The Greatest Gift

       A pastor friend recently shared with me that a lady had contacted his church because she had come to trust Jesus Christ as Savior as a result of having received a Gospel tract from his church.  The gripping part of the story was that someone had given that tract to her brother over 20 years ago when he was stationed as a soldier in Georgia!  He recently passed away and his Bible was sent to her in Pennsylvania.  When she opened his Bible, she found the tract inside.  Upon reading the gospel in that tract, she was convinced by the Holy Spirit that she was a sinner and needed Jesus as her Savior. She bowed her head and expressed her faith in Christ for loving her and dying for her sins on the cross.

       Wow, the gift that keeps on giving! Who would have ever thought that tract would lay dormant for twenty years, arrive in another state and some lady who was grieving over her dying brother would read it and believe in Jesus the only Savior and her life would be instantly transformed by the grace of God? That’s the power of the Gospel (the good news that Jesus died for sinners and conquered sin, Satan and death by His resurrection). This is the possibility when one shares the Gospel with another.  I wonder how many will be in heaven because of your verbal witness or some piece of Gospel literature you shared or because you invited someone to listen to BBN radio? I think we will all be amazed by the millions of stories like this that we will likely hear in heaven. But, I wonder too, how many of us will bow our heads in shame there because we did so little or said so little, concerning the Gospel to others in great need of the Savior?

        We want to invite you to order some of our ITL cards (Invite to Listen). These are small, business size cards that have a BBN radio or internet frequency on one side and a brief gospel inquiry on the reverse side. These are easy to share with friends, family, and casual contacts that you see from day to day. We will send these to you at no cost (in packs of 10). Let’s get busy sharing the greatest of all gifts -the Gospel     Order ITL’s here.

Written By:   Shannon Dyess    Date Posted:  7/21/2016 2:07 PM
Number of Views:  5609

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