You Make The Call!

You Make The Call!
In one of my favorite television shows of all time, The Andy Griffith Show, Andy, the star of the Show, playing the Sheriff of the mythical town of Mayberry was called on to be the umpire of a baseball game in which his son was a player. The entire town thought it was a great idea, everyone that is except Andy himself. The game which was tied came down to the final play for the final out in the final inning in which his son, Opie was running for homebase and the throw came in, and the call by the home plate umpire, Andy himself, was out! The big game was lost, all because of Andy, as the town saw it, and to make it worse, it was a loss to their neighboring town, Mount Pilot! The whole town of Mayberry suddenly became irate at Andy, since anyone could see his son was safe! The entire next week hardly anyone would speak to Andy, especially his own family; even a little dog barked angrily at him! The only one that felt for him was his girlfriend, Helen. Yet, the town newspaper man, Howard, quietly watched as his friends became divided over this issue and everyone was angry at Andy, people that had once been his close friends. Howard then wrote an article in the paper, and after everyone read it, their consciences were pierced and they realized what a difficult call it was for Andy to make. Soon, the game was forgotten and friendships were restored (all solved in the half-hour length of the program!). Later on however, it was discovered by a picture Helen had taken of the play that Andy in fact was wrong, Opie was safe! Helen along with Andy's Aunt Bee decided it was best to destroy the evidence since the issue had been settled. We smile as we think of this entertaining plot, yet there are truths concerning this idea of making the right call that affect the life of every believer for all of eternity. There is coming a time when all of us as believers will stand before our Savior Jesus Christ and though our salvation will absolutely not be in question, our Christian lives will be scrutinized by our Lord Jesus as to rewards or losses we will sustain. Likely, the clearest Bible text dealing with this judgment of believers for rewards is 1 Corinthians 3:11-15. This coming time is clearly delineated from the Great White Throne Judgment that unbelievers will face when they stand before Christ, as there will be no hope of salvation for them at their judgment. It could truly be said that the Judgment Seat of Christ is a reviewing stand for our lives as believers! Now is the time that we should judge our own sin, because at the judgment seat, Christ will do the reviewing and rewarding then. There are also crowns that believers receive at this judgment, and these are won as we through the Spirit of Christ in us, touch lives for eternity! It is a serious matter to stand before our Savior who has done so much for us, and the Scriptures teach us all we need to know for this great coming day! The BBN Bible Institute offers a great course (free) on this judgment for Christians and is appropriately titled: The Bema Seat (# 52300). We hope you will take the opportunity to study this course to help you to become more prepared for that time when you will be summoned before our Savior to receive your rewards. If this proves a blessing to you, then share the news with friends!
Written By:
David Wyatt
Date Posted:
1/5/2017 11:10 AM
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