
Thousands have joined Challenge 30 and have begun or completed their chosen course. Others have already begun another course.
Steph shared this concerning her progress in Challenge 30: I am doing a course and totally enjoying it. I have learned so much I didn't know and thought I did. I have had questions answered that I never thought possible. Thank you so much, just awesome!
How is it going for you?
Our theme is to Know, Grow, and Sow. Know, this is learning that precedes growth. Grow is the spiritual growth that only comes as we obey God, confess sin, and practice truth we have learned. This is progress and momentum that comes as a result of obedience. Sow is touching the life of another with the good news of Jesus and His word, the Bible. We are excited about what God has in store for you as you get into His word and respond to Him with a sensitive heart.
We would like to hear what God is doing in your life through Challenge 30. There is plenty of time if you have not yet started a course or if you have friends you would like to invite. You can send this link (Challenge 30) in an email and share it on your Facebook page with them.
Written By:
Shannon Dyess
Date Posted:
2/28/2018 10:43 AM
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