It Was His Last
 It Was His Last
It was April 1, opening day of the 1996 baseball season at Riverfront Stadium in Cincinnati, Ohio. 53,000 fans excitedly watched as the first pitch blew across home plate. The air was crisp and cool and the sun beamed warmly as umpire John McSherry situated himself behind home plate to call the balls and strikes. After seven pitches, McSherry stepped back from the plate and stumbled to his knees. Within an hour he died of a massive heart attack. Just 51 years old, McSherry was doing what he loved and what he had been doing for twenty five years. But this day was different, it was his last.
One day, you too will take your last breath. If today were your last day, would you spend eternity in heaven? You can make ready before it is too late, if you will not procrastinate.
What can you do to be ready? The correct answer does not lie in religion, good works, or personal opinions. God’s word tells us we must come to God believing what it says about His Son, Jesus Christ. We must understand that we are sinners and deserving of death and eternal damnation. We must believe that Jesus is God, and that He died for our sins, He was buried and rose again three days later. The Scriptures also tell us that who ever will call upon the name of the Lord, will be saved (delivered from sin, made a child of God). You can read more here.
Listen to a brief course in our Bible Institute that explains how to be saved. Then be sure to share with a friend: 10600 Doctrine Of The New Birth.
Written By:
Shannon Dyess
Date Posted:
4/4/2018 1:54 PM
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