Take Time
 Take Time
School is out for most students and summer is on the front porch. The sun is beaming down her rays in intense pleasure. Fun, sun, cookouts, swimming, yard work (Ooh, did I say that four letter word? Sorry!), golf, vacations, VBS, camps and a thousand other things squeeze all the minutes out of our days and summer months. These can be pleasurable, needed distractions, but they can also cause us to forget greater needs and priorities of life.
In the rush of time and the distraction of vacations, do not forget to spend time with your Lord. Daily carve out some quiet time to spend with Him. Get alone, read and study the Bible and pray; and don’t neglect worship times at your church. Also, keep your radio dial set to the BBN radio station in your area or on the internet. With the internet, BBN can go with you wherever you go this summer.
This is a great time to select a course in the BBN Bible Institute and determine to complete it during the summer. Here are some possibilities: 01100 The Bible, from God to Us 32100 Ephesians 20800 Communications in the Family
Take time to be holy, The world rushes on; Spend much time in secret With Jesus alone; By looking to Jesus, Like Him thou shalt be; Thy friends in thy conduct His likeness shall see.
William Longstaff
Written By:
Shannon Dyess
Date Posted:
6/7/2018 3:15 PM
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