How Is It Possible
 How Is It Possible
Arthur wrote to us at BBN Bible Institute.
I suffered a divorce and was VERY bitter, the study on Joseph brought me to Joseph telling his brothers "you meant what you did for harm, But GOD meant it for good.” That message lifted my bitterness and refocused my mind toward GOD. I have received my diploma and am trying to show CHRIST's love along the way.
It thrills us to hear and see how God is using BBN Bible Institute to encourage and instruct those struggling with life issues, to strengthen marriages, and to equip those who desire to know God more deeply and to serve him more successfully.
How is it possible that we can reach into 175 countries and make life-changing Bible studies available to anyone that wants to study the Bible and at no cost to them?
Every year at this time we invite all of our students to take part in this ministry by sharing a financial gift. God sustains this work by those who are blessed by BBNBI and those who see God at work through it and want to have a part in it. We invite you to help us this year. We call this a FAITH PROMISE GIFT. We ask God’s people to make a promise to Him to share with us, what they believe by faith He will provide to them in the next 12 months. You can share a one time gift or a monthly gift. It is people like you that God uses to help BBN continue to share His word globally with millions (at no cost to them). Thank you!
Written By:
Shannon Dyess
Date Posted:
9/27/2018 2:49 PM
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