Have You Told Someone Lately?
Have You Told Anyone Lately?
Four men were camping outside their city, quarantined from the public. Their city was under siege by a brutal army. Thousands had died of starvation; these men had no job, no food, no hope. Within 24 hours they came into a windfall! They gorged themselves and then hauled away food, valuables, and money. Suddenly, they stopped and looked at one another, engulfed with guilt. They agreed: “our city is being decimated with starvation and here we have found a limitless supply of food and valuables; we do not well: this day is a day of good news, and we have shared with no one.”
Many Christians are in this same predicament. They have found the treasure of God’s salvation. They have joyfully inhaled satisfying, gourmet meals of His word- but, they’ve not gone to much effort to share the good news! Have you been feeding on the blessed teachings of your Pastor, Bible Study, BBN Radio, or BBN Bible Institute and have been enthused by the windfall of Bible truths, but have kept the good news to yourself? Have you shared the Gospel (good news) of Christ that He came to forgive and deliver sinners from death and hell? Have you yet shared some of the precious truths you have learned lately with someone who is seeking or struggling?
Perhaps you’re thinking: “I have learned much and want to share with others what God has been teaching me, but I’m bashful or I’m not good with words...” We can’t get off the hook that easy. You and I must look beyond ourselves and see that people are hurting and their lives and homes are in ruin; they need hope, forgiveness and redemption that only Christ can give. This day is a day of good tidings and if we keep the Good News to ourselves, we do not well! BBNBI offers a helpful course that can give you some guidance and confidence in being a better witness for Christ: 52400 Personal Evangelism. Share the news!
Written By:
Shannon Dyess
Date Posted:
9/22/2020 2:32 PM
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