David Allen - Dr. Allen was a pastor in Detroit, MI & well known Bible Conference speaker. He is now with the Lord.
Jonathan Anderson - Rev. Jonathan Anderson is on the Pastoral staff at the Countryside Bible Church in Southlake, Texas
Mark Bailey - Dr.Bailey is a Bible teacher & author. He presently serves as President of Dallas Theological Seminary.
Donald Barnhouse - Dr. Barnhouse was a Pastor, author of commentaries, & a pioneer in Christian radio. He went to be with the Lord in 1960.
Dewey Bertolini - Mr. Bertolini is a Pastor, author and youth conference speaker
Henry Brandt - Dr. Brandt was a conference speaker, author, & management consultant to ministries and church leaders. Now in heaven.
David Breese - Dr. Breese was a Christian radio broadcaster, conference speaker, and author. He went to be with the Lord in 2002.
Stuart Briscoe - Dr. Briscoe, pastored for 30+ years, is an author and now an international Bible Conference speaker.
Wendell Calder - Dr. Wendell Calder is a former Pastor, and an international Evangelist and Bible teacher.
Stanley Collins - Dr. Collins was a Pastor and former Director of Forest Home Christian Conference Center in CA. He is now with the Lord.
Steven Davey - Dr. Stephen Davey is Pastor of Colonial Baptist Church and Pres. of Shepherds Theo. Sem. & radio Bible teacher
Bob Dowie - Dr. Dowie was a Bible Conference speaker and Dean of New Brunswick Bible Institute. He is now home with the Lord.
Theodore Epp - Dr. Epp, was a Bible teacher, & author. He founded the Back to the Bible Radio Broadcast ministry. Now with the Lord.
Allen Fleece - Dr. Fleece was a Pastor, professor at Moody Bible Institute & President of Columbia Bible College. Now with the Lord.
Frank Garlock - Dr. Garlock is founder & president of Majesty Music & was a professor of Music at Bob Jones University for many years.
Manford Gutzke - Dr. Gutzke was a Seminary professor, radio teacher, as well as a prolific writer. He is now at home with the Lord.
Howard Hendricks - Dr. Hendricks was Distinguished Professor at Dallas Theo. Sem. & international conference speaker. He is now with the Lord.
Donald Hubbard - Dr. Donald R. Hubbard is a retired pastor, a radio Bible teacher, and an international Bible conference speaker.
Dave Hunt - Dr. Hunt was a prolific author, Conference speaker & Cult expert. He is now with the Lord (2008).
Ralph Keiper - Dr. Keiper was an author & conference speaker for the Conservative Baptist Theo. Sem. He is now with the Lord.
Wendell Kempton - Dr. Kempton was a Bible teacher and missionary statesman. He is now home with the Lord
Mark Lee - Dr. Lee was a much sought after Bible Conference speaker. He is now with the Lord.
Erwin Lutzer - Dr. Lutzer is the Pastor of the Moody Church in Chicago, a Bible Conference & radio teacher and prolific author.
Walter Martin - Dr. Martin is considered the father of the Counter-Cult Movement, author & conference speaker. He is now in heaven.
John Mitchell - The late Dr. Mitchell was founder of Multnomah School of the Bible and taught there many years.
Campbell Morgan - Dr. Morgan was a Pastor, Bible Conf. speaker in England & the USA, author of commentaries. He is now in heaven (1945).
Stephen Olford - Dr. Olford was Founder of Stephen Olford Center for Biblical Preaching & international Evangelist. He is now with the Lord.
Dwight Pentecost - Dr. Pentecost was a Pastor, author & distinguished professor at Dallas Theological Seminary. Went to heaven in 2014.
John Phillips - Dr. Phillips was a respected Bible teacher, author of 50+ books, & Conference speaker. Went to heaven in 2010.
Herb Pugmire - Dr. Pugmire was a well known pastor, missionary, Bible teacher and Conference speaker. He is now home with the Lord.
Earl Radmacher - Dr. Radmacher was at Western Conservative Bap. Sem. for 34 yrs. as Professor, & President. Went to heaven in 2014.
Alan Redpath - Dr. Redpath was a former Pastor of the Moody Memorial Ch., conference & missionary speaker. He is now with the Lord.
Ted Rendall - Dr. Rendall served for many years at the Prairie Bible Institute in Canada, & pastored. He is now a confer. speaker.
Ross Rhoads - Dr. Ross Rhoads is a retired pastor, Evangelist, author and Chaplain.
Charles Ryrie - Dr. Charles Ryrie is a Professor at Dallas Seminary, Editor of the Ryrie Study Bible, prolific author and scholar. Now in heaven (2016)
Richard Seymour - Dr. Seymour is currently on the faculty of Frontier School of the Bible in Lagrange, Wyoming; author of several books.
Renald Showers - Dr. Showers is currently on staff with the Church Ministries Division of the Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry.
Bob Smith - Dr. Smith was Professor of Philosophy at Bethel Seminary in St. Paul, MN. He is now with the Lord.
Ray Stedman - Dr. Stedman was a Pastor, professor, author, and mentor to numerous pastors and teachers. He is now with the Lord.
Lehman Strauss - Dr. Strauss was a Professor, Pastor, Evangelist and itinerant Bible Conference speaker. He is now home with the Lord.
Richard Strauss - Dr. Richard Strauss was a Pastor and noted Bible conference speaker. He is now home with the Lord
Tom Taylor - Dr. Taylor was a Seminary professor, author, radio and conference speaker. Now with the Lord (2015).
Joe Temple - Dr. Temple was a Hebrew and Greek scholar, Pastor in Abilene, TX and a radio Bible teacher, He is now with the Lord.
Merrill Tenney - Dr. Tenney was a Pastor, Dean of the Graduate School of Theology at Wheaton College. He is now with the Lord.
Ian Thomas - Major Thomas was an international missionary speaker & teacher & founder of Torchbearers. He is now with the Lord.
Stanley Toussaint - Dr. Stanley Toussaint is retired after 47 years, Senior Professor Emeritus of Bible Exposition of Dallas Theo. Sem.
Paul Van-Gorder - Dr. Van-Gorder was a pastor, radio Bible teacher & Bible Conference speaker. He went to be with the Lord in 2009.
Charles Wagner - Dr. Charles Wagner was a Bible teacher, Pastor, author & Bible conference speaker. He is now with the Lord.
John Walvoord - Dr. Walvoord was with Dallas Theo. Sem for many years as professor and the 2nd President. He is now with the Lord.
Sumner Wemp - Dr. Wemp taught at Moody Bible Inst., Liberty Univ., & was President of Southeastern Bible College. Now in heaven.
John Whitcomb - Dr. Whitcomb is an internationally recognized professor, scientist, author and conference speaker.
Warren Wiersbe - Dr. Wiersbe is a former Pastor, and a prolific author, radio & conference speaker.
Rocky Wyatt - Rev. Rocky Wyatt is Senior Associate Pastor at Countryside Bible Church in Southlake, Texas