Rare Species

Rare Species
There is a rare species of individuals that were once hardy and numerous, but now are sadly approaching extinction. This dying species is – Discerning Christians. Where have all the Discerning Christians gone? I remember when it wasn’t unusual for individuals to know and to espouse there was only one Savior and only one way to heaven. They were unashamed to declare the Bible the Word of God, and Jesus, the Son of God. These knew what things were unacceptable, immoral, unethical and ungodly. These Discerning Christians knew that one of the highest of priorities was the preaching of God’s Word in the church house and that certain types of music and entertainment were unacceptable there. The difference between Christians and non-Christians was noticeable and expected. Why are Christians struggling with recognizing sin and condemning it? If wrong doctrine is being touted in churches and worldly music and programs being performed and biblical criterion for pastors, deacons, and leaders are being ignored- where are the courageous Christians crying out against these travesties? Why is it so rare that one will stand up to his/her church, children, peers, and society and say, NO! Not my church! Not in my home! Not on my watch! Abraham in his day refused to dwell in Sodom and Gomorrah with those in perversion and Joshua stood up to idolatry and said, “You choose today whom you will serve, as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord God!” Were these dogmatic? Were they saying they were right and others were wrong? Yes! Scripture authorizes this: Earnestly contend for the faith that was once for all delivered to the saints. We can become more discerning by learning the Scriptures better and then unapologetically obeying them. We must courageously rise to stand up and speak out concerning words and actions that are erroneous. BBNBI desires to provoke, enable, and proliferate godly discerners. May their breed rise from the boneyard of extinction!
Written By:
Shannon Dyess
Date Posted:
6/9/2017 4:11 PM
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