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Out of control

Out of Control...

I recall vividly waking up at 11:41 AM after working 3rd shift on the morning of September 11, 2001, and seeing the message light flashing on our phone, and hearing my father breathlessly telling me the events that were unfolding that fateful day. My feelings the rest of that day (and I’m sure the feelings of many others) can best be described as out of control! Yet the Lord had definitely not lost control! We saw our nation for a brief time come together as never before in our lifetime. Senators and House members on opposite sides of the political spectrum were singing Amazing Grace together, churches were full and people were focused on God. Of course much of this was short-lived, yet our God is the same yesterday, today and forever as Hebrews 13:8 reminds us!

There was another time in the distant past when everything seemed out of control. In the days when Persia was the world-power and it looked for certain that God’s people, the Jewish race, would be totally wiped out from the earth, God raised up a Jewish leader by the name, Mordecai who gave guidance and courage to Queen Esther. God remained utterly faithful during that dark hour and brought them though the calamity! We who know Christ are called to point out the Light of the world who lives in us. It is He that can make sense and order out of our chaotic lives. The BBN Bible Institute offers a remarkable course on Esther, taught by Dr. Stephen Davey, and we believe you will be greatly helped by this study and
encouraged to let Christ work His light in and through you in this dark world!

Written By:   David Wyatt    Date Posted:  6/22/2017 11:49 AM
Number of Views:  4456

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